From: umut devrim <…>
Subject: translation
Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2009 11:10:26 +0200

Hello BPP family. My friends and I have been publishing an art and literature magazine of which name is Nikbinlik for 6 years in Turkey – Nikbinlik is also the name of one of  great Turkish poet Nazým Hikmet’s poems-. Black Panther Party’s history is very important for me and I admire it and its honorable struggle.
If  you approve, I would like to translate “The Spirit of The Panther- by Dr. Tolbert Small” to Turkish and publish it on the pages of our magazine. And for this, could I request  that you send me Dr. Tolbert Small’s short curriculum vitae.

In the next issues of our magazine, I would like to write some articles about Black Panther Party and benefit from your experiences and website.

And I would like to say that “there is a panther caged within my breast”.

All the best!